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  1. **精准定位需求**:缘通租赁在接到需求后,迅速理解并精准定位学校的实际需求,量身定制租赁方案。

  2. **专业安装调试**:技术人员凭借丰富的经验,高效完成设备的安装调试工作,确保设备性能最优。

  3. **现场值守与远程监控**:双重保障措施,确保考试期间设备稳定运行,及时处理突发问题。

  4. **灵活租赁方案**:提供短期租赁服务,降低了学校的成本负担,同时满足了临时性需求。




  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Yangjiang, Guangdong, China**

  In todays fast-paced society, while electronic devices greatly facilitate daily life and work, they can also become disruptive factors in certain settings such as exams, important meetings, or confidential environments. Recognizing this need, Yuantong Rental, with its professional mobile phone signal blocker rental services, has successfully assisted numerous units and individuals in Yangjiang, Guangdong, solving this challenge and earning widespread praise.


  Yangjiang No.1 Middle School, a prestigious institution in the region, has always been committed to creating a fair and quiet examination environment for students. As cheating methods have evolved, mobile phones have emerged as a significant concern. To uphold test integrity, the school opted for Yuantong Rentals short-term rental service for mobile phone signal blockers.

  **Service Implementation**:

  Upon receiving the request, Yuantong Rental promptly formulated a detailed rental plan tailored to the schools specific needs. Firstly, a thorough examination of the examination hall layout was conducted to ensure full coverage by each blocker while minimizing disturbance to surrounding areas. Then, professional technicians arrived a day ahead to install and调试the equipment, ensuring its smooth operation before the exams.

  During the exams, Yuantong Rental arranged technicians to provide on-site support and monitor the equipments status remotely, ensuring a pure and stable testing environment.

  **Customer Feedback**:

  After the exams, Yangjiang No.1 Middle School expressed high satisfaction with Yuantong Rentals service. The school leader commented, Yuantong Rentals mobile phone signal blocker rental service effectively curbed cheating, safeguarding test fairness and significantly reducing our costs. The professionalism and efficiency of the technicians left a profound impression. We will continue to choose Yuantong Rental for future needs.

  Furthermore, many students and parents agreed that the absence of mobile phone signals created a quieter exam environment, enabling students to concentrate better and demonstrate their true abilities.

  **Details of Success**:



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